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My Life Soundtrack

             If I was to compose a soundtrack that related to my life, it would contain various songs of different genres. The songs on my soundtrack relate to the obstacles I face in life and they help me figure out how to get passed them. On the other hand, some songs on my life soundtrack also never fail to make me smile and feel happy. A soundtrack does not mean that you have experiences with the songs. For me, a life soundtrack contains songs that can change my mood, are my go to songs and they never get old when I listen to them five times a day. I have never given any thought to what my life soundtrack would be let alone the thought of a theme song. A person’s soundtrack can show others how the person really thinks and how they feel on a regular basis. On the other hand, a theme song is a specific song that is played to sum up a person’s entire life, their feelings and describes them as a whole.

            First, my theme song would have to be the alternative song “Stay Awake” by All Time Low. The song contains many different lyrics that refer to feeling like the world has become too much and that there are too many people who expect everything from you. The lyrics make me realize that although I can be going through a tough time, I can get through it if I set my mind to it.  The lyrics in the chorus give the song its meaning when it says, “Stay awake, get a grip and get out, you're safe from the weight of the world. Just take a second to set things straight. I'll be fine even though I'm not always right. I can count on the sun to shine. Dedication takes a lifetime, but dreams only last for a night.” These lyrics show you that when things get rough, take a step back and breathe. It also tells you that you can always get through the day and you can “count on the sun to shine”, even when you feel like there is a dark cloud over your head. “Stay Awake” always gives me a sense of happiness, comfort and security every time I listen to it. This song has gotten me through many difficult situations where I felt like I was alone in the world and has made me realize that there will be obstacles to overcome in life. Even though there may be problems, it is up to me to find out how to get past it. Every time I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders, these lyrics make me realize that I need to breathe and believe that things will work out in the end.  

            The first song on my soundtrack would be the acoustic song, “If I Tremble” by Front Porch Step. The lyrics describe perfectly what it is like to be in love with someone. Not only does it describe how I feel about the boy I love; it also puts into words how I want someone to feel about me in return. Some lyrics include, “You are the stars in the skies. You are the sound of the rain. You are the strong sense of calm that takes away all the pain. You are the rush of the wind. I'm just a man on his knees, praying to god to grow old with the girl of his dreams.” These lines describe perfectly how it feels to be in love with someone. You think everything about them is perfect and they always make you feel secure and calm when they are around. The stars, the rain, and wind all make a person feel relaxed and happy. These lyrics show me that when someone is in love, they will do anything for them and they will give them their all. This song in its entirety makes me feel loved and happy because it’s my feelings put into words. I relate to this song perfectly because I hope to grow old with the boy I am in love with and when I am with him, I am in my happy place.

The second song on my soundtrack is the alternative or emo song, “Nicotine” by Panic! At The Disco. This song discusses how you meet someone who you love and soon enough you become addicted to their presence, like nicotine. They are also someone who makes you feel like you can’t win because you want to be with them when you know it won’t work. You love them and you feel defeated because they will never love you back. Some lines of the song are, “It's better to burn than to fade away. It's better to leave than to be replaced. I'm losing to you, baby, I'm no match.” which discusses how you have come to the realization that you are wasting your time on this person because they will never pay attention to you. It will also benefit you if you leave them before they get the chance to hurt you even more. Other lyrics include, “Just one more hit and then we're through, 'cause you could never love me back. Cut every tie I have to you.” This part shows that you have made the decision to give them one more chance and then you are done. It also makes me realize that I have to stand up for myself and make the right decision which is to forget them. The song writer compares the relationship to a cigarette and nicotine because their attention is addictive. “Nicotine” makes me feel defeated and upset because there will be some things that cannot work out in life. On the other hand it also makes me feel confident because sometimes you have to take a stand and make a decision. This song has made me realize that there will be people who walk into my life that are not worth fighting for. While knowing that I have to choose what is best for me, it is sometimes easy to tell if I should cut contact with that person or not.

A third song listed on my life soundtrack is the pop punk song, “Canals” by All Time Low. This song also discusses how you are fighting for someone’s attention and come to the realization that they aren’t worth it. “Canals” is all about trying to make the other person see how terrible they are treating you. Some lyrics are, “You've got the high ground and I'm on my best defense. But I dare you to come down; I'll give you an eye for an eye, if it makes things easy.” These lyrics discuss how you’re ready to take a stand and show them what it is like to be hurt. Other lyrics include, “Smile, tell me I'm alright with a goodbye. You are so misleading. A kiss or a gun fight, high-noon or midnight.” These lines show that this person is untrustworthy or misleading. As much as you may want their love and attention, you start to become impatient because you know that they won’t change. This song makes me feel hopeless and as if I was let down by someone. This song applies to my life because there are going to be people that I meet that are going to try to destroy me and I will have to make the decision to cut ties with them or not. I have had to question if someone is worth fighting for or if they really care about me.

Next on the soundtrack is the pop song, “Freaking Me Out” by Simple Plan featuring Alex Gaskarth. This song is all about being with someone and before you realize it, they have changed into a completely different person. Part of the song discusses how the person has become the complete opposite when it says, “Think you’re real, but you’re fake. Think you’re deep, but you’re shallow. You’ve become what you hate. Now you’re lost, just a shadow. So we pull your strings, ‘cause it makes no sense that you act like you’re better. You can say these things to your so-called friends and they just might think you’re clever.” These lines refer to how the person thinks they are better than everyone when in reality; everybody knows that they are not true to themselves. This song makes me feel as if I have been abandoned and lied to. Also, it makes me realize that there may be people who up and leave me for the next best thing and that they will change themselves to fit in with the crowd. When I hear this song, it makes it easier to let go and decide who your real friends are.

Last on my soundtrack would be the alternative song, “Me Without You (All I Ever Wanted)” by All Time Low. This song also relates to how there will be people you meet who try to bring you down. Also, the lyrics talk about someone who tried to change you and how your relationship with them will not work out. Some lyrics include, “Do you feel like something's missing, when your skin is pressed to mine? I would whisper you a riot if you'd listen, to the sound that you've ignored a thousand times.” These lines mean that the person you were with was never able to listen to you or treat you right. The chorus gives the song its entire meaning when it says, “'Cause I am only me when I'm without you. All I ever wanted was a part of you that I couldn't break, a piece of you that I couldn't take apart, but we're in pieces now.” These lines discuss how you were never able to be yourself when they were around, like they were trying to change you little by little. Also, all you really wanted from them was for them to be themselves, but they would never show you their true personality. This song makes me feel empowered yet lost. The lyrics show me that if people are not okay with the real me, then I need to forget about them. As much as you love that person, it may be the right decision to leave them. I relate to this song because it shows me that I am in control of my life and I get to control who I am friends with. The lyrics make it easier for me to decide if I should cut someone out of my life or not.       

Even though it took me a while to come up with the songs I would put on my soundtrack, I realized that the music I listen to helps me get through many issues in life. My music allows me to decide for myself what is best for me. There may be times in my life where I may get hurt by someone, but it is up to me to figure out how to get passed it. While some songs make it easier to get through tough situations, there are also songs that make me smile and feel loved or relaxed. Music has a huge influence on my life and it is always there for me, no matter what my mood is.

My Life Soundtrack Revised

           If I was to compose a soundtrack that related to my life, it would contain various songs of different genres. The songs on my soundtrack relate to the obstacles I face in life and they help me figure out how to get passed them. On the other hand, some songs on my life soundtrack also never fail to make me smile and feel happy. For me, a life soundtrack contains songs that can change my mood, are my go to songs and they never get old when I listen to them five times a day. I have never given any thought to what my life soundtrack would be let alone the thought of a theme song. A person’s soundtrack can show others how the person really thinks and how they feel on a regular basis. On the other hand, a theme song is a specific song that is played to sum up a person’s entire life, their feelings and describes them as a whole.

            First, my theme song would have to be the alternative song “Stay Awake,” by All Time Low. The song contains many different lyrics that refer to feeling like the world has become too much and that there are too many people who expect everything from you. The lyrics make me realize that although I can be going through a tough time, I can get through it if I set my mind to it.  The lyrics in the chorus give the song its meaning when it says, “Stay awake, get a grip and get out, you're safe from the weight of the world. Just take a second to set things straight. I'll be fine even though I'm not always right. I can count on the sun to shine. Dedication takes a lifetime, but dreams only last for a night.” These lyrics show you that when things get rough, take a step back and breathe. It also tells you that you can always get through the day and you can “count on the sun to shine,” even when you feel like there is a dark cloud over your head. “Stay Awake” always gives me a sense of happiness, comfort and security every time I listen to it. This song has gotten me through many difficult situations where I felt like I was alone in the world and has made me realize that there will be obstacles to overcome in life. Even though there may be problems, it is up to me to find out how to get past it. Every time I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders, these lyrics make me realize that I need to breathe and believe that things will work out in the end.  

            The first song on my soundtrack would be the acoustic song, “If I Tremble,” by Front Porch Step. The lyrics describe perfectly what it is like to be in love with someone. Not only does it describe how I feel about the boy I love; it also puts into words how I want someone to feel about me in return. Some lyrics include, “You are the stars in the skies. You are the sound of the rain. You are the strong sense of calm that takes away all the pain. You are the rush of the wind. I'm just a man on his knees, praying to god to grow old with the girl of his dreams.” These lines describe perfectly how it feels to be in love with someone. You think everything about them is perfect and they always make you feel secure and calm when they are around. The stars, the rain, and wind all make a person feel relaxed and happy. These lyrics show me that when someone is in love, they will do anything for them and they will give them their all. This song in its entirety makes me feel loved and happy because it’s my feelings put into words. I relate to this song perfectly because I hope to grow old with the boy I am in love with and when I am with him, I am in my happy place.

The second song on my soundtrack is the alternative or emo song, “Nicotine,” by Panic! At The Disco. This song discusses how you meet someone who you love and soon enough you become addicted to their presence, like nicotine. They are also someone who makes you feel like you can’t win because you want to be with them when you know it won’t work. You love them and you feel defeated because they will never love you back. Some lines of the song are, “It's better to burn than to fade away. It's better to leave than to be replaced. I'm losing to you, baby, I'm no match.” which discusses how you have come to the realization that you are wasting your time on this person because they will never pay attention to you. It will also benefit you if you leave them before they get the chance to hurt you even more. Other lyrics include, “Just one more hit and then we're through, 'cause you could never love me back. Cut every tie I have to you.” This part shows that you have made the decision to give them one more chance and then you are done. It also makes me realize that I have to stand up for myself and make the right decision, which is to forget them. The song writer compares the relationship to a cigarette and nicotine because their attention is addictive. “Nicotine” makes me feel defeated and upset because there will be some things that cannot work out in life. On the other hand, it also makes me feel confident because sometimes you have to take a stand and make a decision. This song has made me realize that there will be people who walk into my life that are not worth fighting for. While knowing that I have to choose what is best for me, it is sometimes easy to tell if I should cut contact with that person or not.

A third song listed on my life soundtrack is the pop punk song, “Canals” by All Time Low. This song also discusses how you are fighting for someone’s attention and come to the realization that they aren’t worth it. “Canals” is all about trying to make the other person see how terribly they are treating you. Some lyrics are, “You've got the high ground and I'm on my best defense. But I dare you to come down; I'll give you an eye for an eye, if it makes things easy.” These lyrics discuss how you’re ready to take a stand and show them what it is like to be hurt. Other lyrics include, “Smile, tell me I'm alright with a goodbye. You are so misleading. A kiss or a gun fight, high-noon or midnight.” These lines show that this person is untrustworthy or misleading. As much as you may want their love and attention, you start to become impatient because you know that they won’t change. This song makes me feel hopeless and as if I was let down by someone. This song applies to my life because there are going to be people that I meet that are going to try to destroy me and I will have to make the decision to cut ties with them or not. I have had to question if someone is worth fighting for or if they really care about me.

Next on the soundtrack is the pop song, “Freaking Me Out,” by Simple Plan featuring Alex Gaskarth. This song is all about being with someone and before you realize it, they have changed into a completely different person. Part of the song discusses how the person has become the complete opposite when it says, “Think you’re real, but you’re fake. Think you’re deep, but you’re shallow. You’ve become what you hate. Now you’re lost, just a shadow. So we pull your strings, ‘cause it makes no sense that you act like you’re better. You can say these things to your so-called friends and they just might think you’re clever.” These lines refer to how the person thinks they are better than everyone when in reality; everybody knows that they are not true to themselves. This song makes me feel as if I have been abandoned and lied to. Also, it makes me realize that there may be people who up and leave me for the next best thing and that they will change themselves to fit in with the crowd. When I hear this song, it makes it easier to let go and decide who your real friends are.

Last on my soundtrack would be the alternative song, “Me Without You (All I Ever Wanted),” by All Time Low. This song also relates to how there will be people you meet who try to bring you down. Also, the lyrics talk about someone who tried to change you and how your relationship with them will not work out. Some lyrics include, “Do you feel like something's missing, when your skin is pressed to mine? I would whisper you a riot if you'd listen, to the sound that you've ignored a thousand times.” These lines mean that the person you were with was never able to listen to you or treat you right. The chorus gives the song its entire meaning when it says, “'Cause I am only me when I'm without you. All I ever wanted was a part of you that I couldn't break, a piece of you that I couldn't take apart, but we're in pieces now.” These lines discuss how you were never able to be yourself when they were around, like they were trying to change you little by little. Also, all you really wanted from them was for them to be themselves, but they would never show you their true personality. This song makes me feel empowered yet lost. The lyrics show me that if people are not okay with the real me, then I need to forget about them. As much as you love that person, it may be the right decision to leave them. I relate to this song because it shows me that I am in control of my life and I get to control who I am friends with. The lyrics make it easier for me to decide if I should cut someone out of my life or not.           

Even though it took me a while to come up with the songs I would put on my soundtrack, I realized that the music I listen to helps me get through many issues in life. My music allows me to decide for myself what is best for me. There may be times in my life where I may get hurt by someone, but it is up to me to figure out how to get passed it. While some songs make it easier to get through tough situations, there are also songs that make me smile and feel loved or relaxed. Music has a huge influence on my life and it is always there for me, no matter what my mood is.

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